We would like to welcome our new Lobbyist, Gwynn Zakov.

Gwynn Zakov is very excited to work with the VFPA as she assumes the role of advocate and lobbyist for the VFPA before state government and the legislature. Gwynn is the president and founder of Garnet Government Relations and has 16 years of experience working in and around the Vermont State House, state government and various administrations. She has a Masters degree in Environmental Law and Juris Doctor degree from Vermont Law School. She served as an Assistant Clerk of the Vermont House of Representatives from 2009 – 2013. She spent the next nearly ten years as both a Staff Attorney and lobbyist for the Vermont League of Cities and Towns, the state’s leading advocacy organization of Vermont municipalities. Over the years she has represented clients in a wide variety of policy issues, and current clients’ policy issues range from public safety and telecommunications, to land use, natural resources and agriculture. She has a proven track record in developing and implementing strategic advocacy campaigns, building coalitions, and mobilizing stakeholders to support policy objectives. Gwynn has worked alongside Ed Larson in the State House through the years on a wide variety of issues including transportation law, Act 250, Current Use, and various natural resource and forest economy regulations and initiatives. Although she knows she has huge shoes to fill, she’s very excited to advocate for the interest of the VFPA and further the policy goals of its members. She’s looking forward to working with members to protect and grow Vermont’s forest economy and wood products industry. She’s currently working with Ed Larson on preparing for the next legislative biennium, and they anticipate the 30-by-30; 50-by-50 Rule, Act 250, timber trespass, water regulations, and Current Use being potential policies the legislature takes up in 2025 and 2026.  This summer and fall she plans on taking several field trips across the state to meet members and visit as many working forests, sawmills, manufacturing facilities, firewood processors and biomass processors and generators as possible. If you are a landowner, forester, logger, trucker or any other member of the VFPA that’s interested in hosting Gwynn, please reach out to her at gwynn@garnet-vt.com.  When she’s not working, Gwynn loves to volunteer in her community. She currently volunteers on her local volunteer fire department, serves as the town representative on the Regional Planning Commission Board of Directors, and serves as the Chair of her town’s Planning Commission. She also serves on the Executive Committee for the Central Vermont Inns of Court. In her free time Gwynn enjoys spending time with her friends, family, and menagerie of pets and farm animals. She enjoys hiking, swimming, horseback riding, snowboarding, exploring local eateries, cafes, and weekend trips around New England.


“Having a strong presence in Montpelier is critical to the survival of the Forest Products Industry in Vermont.” This sentiment was stated repeatedly at our Regional Roundups and other meetings this year.

It is essential to have someone in Montpelier monitoring the issues, providing information to the membership, participating in discussions concerning the industry, promoting the industry and defending it, when necessary.